Friday 20 December 2013

Activity using Communication Tools

Vocabulary words 
Directions: TOOL #1
Students will sign in to their that they created in the previous class. Each student will type in a vocabulary word where it says ENTER WORD and click add. The definition for the word will show below and you can add image of the word. Look at the picture below.

This is a good communication tools because students can take a break from looking at the dictionary books. With this communication tool they can look up the definition of the word as well as add image to the word just by copying and pasting the definition of the word in the box under ADD IMAGE and enter. The image will show along with the definition of the word.

Directions: TOOL #2
Students will look at the words below. Teacher will divide the class in to 4 members in a group, 4 groups. For each word students will have to go on and create beautiful word clouds. Each group has to pick two words from the vocabulary and create word clouds. Think of all the words related to the two words. Look at the example below. 

*Protein                                                    *Calories                                 *Carbohydrates
*Cholesterol                                             *Dietary Fiber
*Potassium                                               *Saturated
*Sugar                                                      *Polyunsaturated

*Sodium                                                   *Monounsaturated